What happens when you click on a phone number to call it?
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title | A. I get a red error message |
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title | Click-To-Call Error Message |
 Check your user profile to see if the phone number in the “Work” field is correct, see our article on Changing Your Work Number. Also verify that the Caller ID is correct (if it’s not correct, contact your system admin to update it). If you continue to experience issues, please contact our support team. |
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title | B. I never get the call |
Check your user profile to see if the phone number in the “Work” field is correct, see our article on Changing Your Work Number. Also verify that the Caller ID is correct (if it’s not correct, contact your system admin to update it). If everything appears to be correct, move to #2. |
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title | C. There is a delay from when I initiate the call within Insellerate to when it reaches my phone |
See our article on Click-To-Call Lag. |
2. Try changing your “Work” phone in the user profile to a different number to see if that works. See our article on Changing Your Work Number.
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title | A. Changing my “Work” phone worked |
Occasionally, a user's work phone will begin to block the Insellerate number that calls it when initiating a Click-To-Call. Resolution: Option 1: Contact your carrier to make sure that the Insellerate number is not being blocked. You may want to reach out to our support team to ask the following question: “What is my organization number used for Click-To-Call?”. Your carrier may need that information. Option 2: We can replace the Insellerate number to a new one that will not be blocked, but this will change it for your entire organization. Please contact our support team for this change to be made. |
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title | B. Changing my “Work” phone did not work |
Please contact our support team. |
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