All prospects posted to Insellerate are processed through the distribution engine
The distribution engine runs every 15 minutes and processes any prospects in the prospect queue waiting to be distributed
The processing involves matching the distribution filters with the lead details and accordingly distributing the
Except Distribute Direct, all
All prospects posted using the other distribution types which are – Distribute All, Distribute Round Robin, Distribute Ring All are processed through the distribution engine
When a batch of prospects is processed (a batch is any number greater than 1 prospect), the distribution engine processes and distributes them 500 at a time
For egexample: If a batch of 1000 leads are uploaded, the distribution engine will process the batch in 2 steps –
The first 500 and then once they are processed, the next 500
If a prospect fails to distribute from a batch of prospects uploaded, the distribution engine will skip the row for the prospect in the campaign upload file and will process the remaining prospects in the file
For egexample: If there are 50 prospects in a file and the 23rd prospect does not meet the distribution filter criteria, the distribution engine will skip that prospect and go ahead with processing the remaining 17 prospects
The rows that failed are saved in the database for tracking purposes.
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