When a user places an call to the borrower, the caller ID displayed on the borrower’s phone is the local dial presence number with the same area code
If there is no local dial presence number with the same area code, the caller ID displayed on the borrower’s phone is the caller ID mentioned in the user profile of the user who performs the call
This also occurs when the user’s The agent’s caller ID will always display when it matches the borrower’s area code of the borrower
If both Local Dial Presence and Caller ID are not defined, then user’s organization number will appear
If a borrower calls back the Local Dial Presence number, Insellerate will transfer the call to the last user who made a call to the borrower
The call will connect to the user’s phone number defined in their user profile
User can Add mappings from existing phone numbers to new area codes
One phone number can be tied to multiple area codes
Existing mapping can be deleted by check the box at the last column of each row and then click on delete button