The My Loan Programs section allows you to create program sets ordering your lending options in the order you want them to appear on the flyers you create. You can set up several programs to reference so that, depending on the property, you can highlight different lending products on your flyersa default program set. You can modify the order of the pricing options shown on a Flyer using the Pricing Icon when creating a Flyer.
AgentConnect is connected to Optimal Blue or Monarch for pricing.
My Network
The My Network section allows you to invite real estate partners to AgentConnect. Once an invitation is accepted, you and your partners will have access to their listings to create shared co-branded flyers.
Your Insellerate profile is synced with your AgentConnect profile. If you need to make updates, make them in your Insellerate profile, and they will automatically update your AgentConnect profile.
My Rates
AgentConnect is directly can be connected to Optimal Blue or Monarch for pricing. You can refresh the rates in AgentConnect at any time to get real-time rates on the products available at your company.