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New Features/Enhancements


When setting a follow-up Loan, officers can see the follow-up due dates when you access lead history.

A screenshot shows the follow-up date

Partner Workflow: Bulk Upload to Create Partners


Insellerate has a new bulk upload option to add your Real Estate Partners. Users with the Bulk Upload permission can use upload functionality to add Real Estate Partners in bulk so that loan officers can use the Parter Worklfow.


Need a bulk upload how to article

Email Report: Email Details available for Column Totals


Issue: The total row was not displaying when click clicking on a column name to sort or filter.


Bulk Upload Permission

Issue: Users with the bulk upload permission could not see the button to bulk upload Partners.

Status: Resolved


Bugs for AgentConnect

Issue: Manual Listing Search bar not working

Status: Resolved

Manual Flyer Property Overview

Issue: The Manual Flyer, Property Overviewcharacter limit, did not match the Listing Search.

Status: Resolved

Manual Listings Required Fields

Issue: Flyers created through the listing search did not require Bath and HOA.

Status: Resolved