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New Features/Enhancements


Table of Contents


inFlow: Follow-up Due Dates


Added to Lead History

What does this mean to Loan Officers?

When setting a follow-up Loan, loan officers can see the follow-up due dates when you access lead history. A screenshot shows the follow-up date not in QA 1/10Hover over the Follow-Up, which will display when date and time it is due.


Partner Workflow: Bulk Upload to Create Partners


Insellerate has a new bulk upload option to add your Real Estate real estate Partners. Users with the Bulk Upload permission can use upload functionality to add Real Estate real estate Partners in bulk so that loan officers can use the Partner Workflow.


Email Report: Email Details


Available for Column Totals

What does this mean to Marketing Managers and Sales Managers?

The email report Email Report enhancement allows you to access the email details for all the total columns displayed at the bottom of the report. This will allow you to pull up all the leads within an entire population.


What does this mean to Marketing Managers and Sales Managers?

The SMS report Report enhancement allows you to access the email details for all the total columns displayed at the bottom of the report. This will allow you to pull up all the leads within an entire population.


The Created by and Assigned to fields have been added to the All Follow-Up Report.


inLead Campaigns

What does this mean to Marketing Managers and Admins?

The screen tip for editing a Post URL, you need to open a customer Support Ticketticket.


Admin Custom Queues Using Field Views


titleSee changes to required fields for Field Views


  • Lead Name

  • Application ID

No Longer Required longer required but included as standard fields when creating a Field View.

  • Primary Officer

  • Campaign

  • Status

  • Created Date

  • Branch


inTouch: Primary Agent Tokens

Issue: Primary Agent tokens were not displaying accurately in emails.

Status: Resolved

LOS integration to bring in Social Security



Issue: Social Security Numbers numbers being added to Insellerate that start with 0 was missing the initial 0 passed to Insellerate.

Status: Resolved

inFlow Partner Branch Name

Issue: Partner Branch Name included data from two fields.

Status: Resolved

Email Report: View

Issue: The total row was not displaying when clicking on a column name to sort or filter.

Status: Resolved

Bulk Upload Permission

Issue: Users with bulk upload permission could not see the button to bulk upload Partners.

Status: Resolved


Bugs for AgentConnect

Issue: Manual Listing Search bar was not working.

Status: Resolved

Manual Flyer Property Overview

Issue: The Manual Flyer, Property Overviewcharacter limit, did not match the Listing Search.

Status: Resolved

Manual Listings Required Fields

Issue: Flyers created through the listing search did not require Bath and HOA.

Status: Resolved