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The Alert Prioritization feature automatically orders the next best action you should take based on rules defined by your company. When active, this feature reviews all your leads in real-time and displays them in a prioritized order in the Prioritized Alerts section of inFlow. These alerts remain on the list until you complete the defined activity. A maximum of 2000 alerts may be displayed in the Prioritized Alerts section.

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The Alert Prioritization feature automatically orders the next best action you should take based on rules defined by your company. When active, this feature reviews all your leads in real time and displays them in a prioritized order on the Prioritized Alerts section of inFlow. These alerts remain on the list until you complete the defined activity. A maximum of 2000 alerts may be displayed in the Alerts section.

Image RemovedThis article covers the following information about prioritized alerts:

Table of Contents


How Leads are Prioritized

Leads are prioritized based on a combination of your company’s workflow, defined alerts, and prioritization order. Variables from all three are used in real-time to display the prioritized order to each user. Variables used to define prioritization include:

  • Current status or activity of the lead

  • Length of time since an activity or call was made on the lead

  • What campaign is the lead associated to

  • When was the last time the lead was reassigned to another user


How to Enable Prioritized Alerts



    1. Go to inFocus > Alerts Priority.

    2. Toggle the button to On.

    • Prioritized


    • alerts are disabled by default.


    • Organizations must first have defined alerts to use Alert Prioritization.

    • When new alerts are enabled for different activities, they appear at the bottom of the list with ? as the priority number by default. To automatically assign the next priority, click Auto Fill. This applies to the current position as the order for all new activities.


    Alert Prioritization Configuration


    Alerts can be reordered (prioritized) by dragging and dropping them up/down in the list. This determines how alerts will be displayed in inFlow under Prioritized Alerts. You can leftLeft-click and hold on a row, then drag and drop it anywhere in the Prioritized section of the list.


    Note: Upon changing the priority of the alerts, the Priority column will populate populates with a top-down priority number, with one being the highest priority.


    • If changes are made but not saved, a warning message appears.

    • Click Update to save changes. All Alerts Priority will not save until the Update button is clicked. The following message appears following a successful update.

    • A warning message appears if changes are saved, but Alerts Priority is turned off.



    Add a Note

    Admins can add notes and set a due date timer to display on prioritized alerts. This functionality enhances the prioritized alerts and will set sets due dates for the alerts. This will allow allows loan officers to sort by due dates to prioritize their work.

    1. Click on inFocus.

      Image RemovedSelect the Alert to Edit Image Added

    2. Click Alerts Priority from the drop-down options to open the Alerts Priority window.

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    3. Click the Edit pencil icon

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      Enter your note or Due Date Timer in the Alert Details pop-up panel.

    4. Alert Note:

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    5. of a selected alert to open the Alert Details popup window for that alert.

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    6. Enter information in the Alert Note field.

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    7. Set the Due Date Timer.

      1. Add the number of days, hours, or minutes from the create date for the due date.

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    8. Click Update to save the note and due date.

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    Alert Details


    • Notes must be less than 50 characters.

    • Due dates must be less than 356 days.