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This article describes the options available to administrators when setting up the Calling List Tools feature. It covers the following topics:

Table of Contents


The Settings section of the Calling List settings allows the administrator to set the Take requirements, whether or not TCPA hours are enforced, and how frequently a lead can be called.

  1. Select Org Settings from the Admin dropdown list.


  2. Select Calling Lists from the Org Settings menu.


  3. Select Settings from the Calling Lists options.


  4. The Manage Calling Lists Settings page opens.


  5. Set the Take Required? toggle switch. The default setting is Yes.

    • If the toggle is set to Yes, the user must take the lead manually.

    • If the toggle is set to No, the lead is automatically assigned to the user once the outbound call is initiated.

  6. Set the TCPA Hours Enforced? toggle switch. The default setting is Yes. The TCPA Feature article provides additional information about this feature.

    • If the toggle is set to Yes, the system will not call leads whose numbers fall within the TCPA parameters and will move on to the next lead.

    • If the toggle is set to No, the system will call a lead whether or not the number falls within the TCPA parameters.

  7. Set the Eligibility Duration time.

    • Enter the day(s), hour(s), and/or minute(s) required, at a minimum, between calls from the Calling List Tool to the same lead. Calls may be made to the lead outside of the Calling List Tool at any time.

  8. Click Save to save the settings.



The Outcomes section of the Calling List settings allows administrators to create the custom outcomes users see in the List Control section of the Calling List Tool page and in the Call Outcomes popup window.

List Control Section of the Calling List Tool Page

Users may use one of the call outcome shortcuts in the List Control section. The shortcuts require a single click to disposition the call and initiate the next call.

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Call Outcomes Popup Window

When a user clicks Next Call in the List Control section or Hangup in the WebPhone, the Call Outcomes popup window opens.

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How to Create a New Call Outcome

Administrators can create new call outcomes.

  1. Select Org Settings from the Admin dropdown list.


  2. Select Calling Lists from the Org Settings menu.


  3. Select Outcomes from the Calling Lists options.


  4. The Manage Calling List Outcomes page opens.


  5. Click Add.


  6. The Create Calling List Outcome popup window opens.


  7. Leave the Active toggle switched to Yes (the default) so the outcome is active. It may be switched to No in the future if the new outcome is not needed.

  8. Click the Background Color dropdown arrow to open the color options. Select a background color by clicking the Palette View icon, clicking inside the color box, or entering a hex code. Click Apply to save the color selection.


  9. Click the Text Color dropdown arrow to open the color options. Select a text color by clicking the Palette View icon, clicking inside the color box, or entering a hex code. Click Apply to save the color selection.


  10. Leave the Outcome Shortcut toggle switched to No (the default) if the new outcome will not be added to the outcome shortcuts. Change the Outcome Shortcut toggle to Yes if it will be added to the outcome shortcuts.

  11. Enter a name for the outcome in the Name field.


  12. If selecting this outcome will cause the lead to change status, complete Steps 10a-10**.
    If selecting this outcome will NOT cause the lead to change status, continue to Step 11.

    1. Select the new status from the Status dropdown menu.


    2. Select the new activity from the Activity dropdown menu.


    3. Select the current status(es) from which the lead can be moved from the Status(es)dropdown menu. Clicking the checkmark will cause ALL of the possible statuses in the dropdown list to be selected.


  13. Click Create to save the new outcome.


  14. The new outcome appears in the Manage Calling List Outcomes page. It will appear for the user in the List Control section of the Calling List Tool page (only if the Outcome Shortcut toggle was switched from the default No to Yes) and in the Call Outcomes popup window.



  • The up/down arrows to the right of the outcome can be used to change the order in which the outcomes are listed (and numbered) on the Manage Calling List Outcomes page.

  • The numbered outcomes appear in the Call Outcomes popup window in two columns as:
    Top line = outcomes numbered 1 and 2
    Second line = outcomes numbered 3 and 4
    Third line = outcomes numbered 5 and 6 and so on

How to Edit an Existing Call Outcome

Administrators can edit existing call outcomes.

  1. Select Org Settings from the Admin dropdown list.


  2. Select Calling Lists from the Org Settings menu.


  3. Select Outcomes from the Calling Lists options.


  4. The Manage Calling List Outcomes page opens.


  5. Click the edit (pencil) icon of the call outcome to be edited.


  6. The Update Calling List Outcome popup window opens.


  7. Make the necessary edits.

  8. Click Update to save the changes.


The fields selected by administrators in Admin>Calling List>Views appear in the Calling List section of the Calling List Tool page.

  1. Select Org Settings from the Admin dropdown list.


  2. Select Calling Lists from the Org Settings menu.


  3. Select Views from the Calling Lists options.


  4. The Manage Calling List Views window opens.




  5. Enter the name in the Field View Name field.


  6. Select Borrowers or Partner from the Calling List Audience Settings dropdown list. The list of available fields will only show fields associated with this selection.


  7. Enter a name in the Search field or scroll using the up/down buttons to locate a field view.


  8. Use the right arrow or drag/drop to move the selected field view from the Available Fields list (left side) to the Chosen Fields list (right side).




  9. Enter a name in the Search field to locate fields inside the Chosen Fields list. Use the up/down arrows to move fields into the desired order they will appear in the Calling List section of the Calling List Tool page.

    Notes: The number of fields currently selected appears in parentheses above the Search field. The total number of fields that can be selected is 50. Use the left arrow next to the Available Fields list or drag/drop to return a field to the Available Fields list.


  10. Click inside the Role field to open the dropdown list.



  11. Select which roles will be able to view the calling list.


  12. Click Update to save the selections.
