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This article provides information about the Follow-Ups section of the Pipeline Panel in inFlow.. It includes:

Table of Contents



How to View Follow-Ups

You can view a list of your follow-ups in the Follow-Ups window or as part of your Lead History.


Note: Computers must run the Windows operating system to create a calendar reminder. Apple computers are not supported currently.

Follow-Ups List

The Follow-Ups section List view shows all scheduled events that you have created or others have created on your behalf. It is part of the Pipeline Panel of inFlow. The Follow-Ups section contains the same data as your calendar but displays the events in a list rather than in a calendar format.



Note: Computers must run the Windows operating system to create a calendar reminder. Apple computers are not supported currently.

How to Schedule a Follow-Up


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Select a lead to view.



Click the Follow-Up icon from the Action Tools on the right side of the screen.


Complete the fields Schedule Follow-Up window.


Type (required): Select Call, Email, Other, or SMS from the dropdown.


Date and Time (required): Select the date and time. (Note: All past dates are disabled.)





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Clicking the Calendar icon returns you to the Calendar view

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Turning the toggle to ALL results in all of the follow-ups being displayed in the list.

Turning the toggle to RECENT results in only the most recent follow-ups being displayed in the list.

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The number of follow-ups in the list is displayed.

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Clicking the Refresh icon causes the list to be refreshed.

Lead History

The Lead History window can be filtered down to show only follow-ups.


Information Included in a Follow-Up


Column Name



The name of the lead


The time the follow-up was created


The phone number of the lead


The status of the lead


The state the lead is in

Created By

The person who created the follow-up


The primary agent on the lead


How to Schedule a Follow-Up

You can schedule a follow-up through the calendar of through the Follow-Up action tool while viewing a lead.

Accessing the Follow-Up Scheduler through the Calendar

  1. Click Calendar in the left sidebar of inFlow.

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  2. Double-click inside any date/time field to open the Schedule Follow-Up popup window. The date and time of the date/time field you select will automatically be populated inside the window.

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Accessing the Follow-Up Scheduler through the Lead

  1. Click the queue or workflow that contains the lead for which you would like to schedule a follow-up.The list of new leads lead will open in the Records Detail section on the right. In this example, we are opening a new lead.

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  2. Click the lead for which you would like to schedule a follow-up. In this example, we are opening the drr2S1134 lead.

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  3. Click the Follow-Up icon in the Action Tools in the Records Detail that opens for the selected lead.

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  4. The Schedule Follow-Up popup window opens. The name on the selected lead and the person the lead is assigned to will automatically be populated inside the window.

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Completing the Follow-Up Scheduler

  1. Complete the unpopulated fields in the Schedule Follow-Up popup window.

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    • Subject: The default subject is <follow-up type, borrower full name>. You can add your own subject to override the default.

    • Associated Contact: The name of the lead for the follow-up.

    • Organizer Name and Email Address: the name and email address of the person who created the follow-up.

    • External Calendar Invitee(s):

    • Date and Time (required): The date and time of the follow-up. All past dates are disabled.

    • Start:

    • End:

    • Reminder: The default reminder time of 15 minutes can be changed.

    • Assigned: If the follow-up is assigned to another user, the user’s name is selected here. This is a permissions-based feature.

    • Reminder: The default reminder time of 15 minutes can be changed.Type (required): Select Call, Email, Other, or SMS from the dropdown.

    • Download Calendar Invite:

    • Notes: Any added notes (up to 2000 characters) will appear in the Notes section of the lead.

    • Add to Calendar: Add the follow-up to your configured iCalendar or Outlook calendar. The follow-up schedule file is automatically downloaded.

    • Subject: The default subject is the type of follow-up / the borrower’s full name. The default can be modified in this field.

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  2. Click Update to save the follow-up to the lead.


You will receive a popup reminder


prior to the designated follow-up time


Viewing Scheduled Follow-Ups

The All/Off toggle allows users to determine which scheduled follow-ups to view.




When the toggle is switched to OFF, all follow-ups from seven days prior and one day in the future are displayed.



All scheduled follow-ups can also be viewed in the Calendar section in the Pipeline Panel of inFlow.

Marking Follow-Ups Incomplete

Place a checkmark in the Complete/Incomplete box to mark a follow-up as Complete. Remove the checkmark to change the follow-up status to Incomplete.

Follow-ups can also be marked Complete from the Calendar section.


Editing Follow-Ups

Click the pencil icon to edit a follow-up. The Schedule Follow-Up popup window will open to allow edits to be made.Follow-ups can also be edited from the Calendarsection.


Deleting Follow-Ups

Click the Trash icon to delete a follow-up. A green toaster confirms that the follow-up has been completed. Deleting a follow-up does not remove the follow-up notes saved in the Notes section of the Application Panel Record Details in inFlow.

Follow-ups can also be deleted from the Calendar section.


Follow-Ups in Lead History

All activity associated with a selected follow-up can be viewed in the Lead History section of the Application Panel in inFlow.


Hover over the follow-up to display the date and time it is due.


Scheduling, Editing, Viewing, and Completing Follow-Ups for Other Users
