Click inFlow 2.0 from the inFlow dropdown list.
Select Partner from the Workflow dropdown options in the Menu Panel.
Select an option from the Lists, Partner Queues, or Workflows in the Menu Panel. In this example, we have selected Active Partners and the leads are listed in the Record List Panel to the right.
Note: Only Prioritized Alerts in the Lists section will yield results in the Record Details Panel.Select alead. In this example, we are selecting the first lead (Lead Name: Lauren SkollTest) from the list.
The Record Details Panel for the selected lead opens to the right.
Click theAssociated Applicationstab.
The Associated Applications section opens and lists any application that the partner is associated to and what that association is. (The association is defined in the Contacts.)
Click an associated application to open it in a new window. In this example, we are opening the first associated application in the list (ApplicationId 50729, Deirdre Denomme).
The associated application opens in a new browser window.