Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Go to the global search in the main menu bar.


  2. Click the box for Partners from the dropdown options.


  3. Enter the company name. In this example, we are searching for the company called Acme.


  4. Results will show if the company exists in Insellerate. You can use a partial name in the search to increase the results. In this example, there is one result.

    image-20240829-231952.pngImage Removed

  5. Click the Link icon to open the Record Detail Panel of the selected record.

    image-20240829-232712.pngImage Removed

  6. Open the Contact Form in the Record Detail Panel to view The results will also include the branch name.

    image-20240829-232308.pngImage Removed

  7. The branch name is listed in the Contact Form.

    image-20240829-233511.pngImage Removed

  8. image-20240830-192410.pngImage Added

There is NO Existing Company or Branch


The Partner Bulk Upload Template is a CSV an Excel file. Once you have entered all of your partner information into the template, you will save and upload the template as a CSV file.

  1. Download the Partner Bulk Upload Template. The template you use depends on whether there is an existing company or branch associated to the realtor or if it is new.

  2. Complete all of the applicable fields in the template.

  3. Save the template as a CSV file.


  1. Navigate to inFlow.


  2. Select Partner from the Workflow Type dropdown menu to open the Partner Registration screen.


  3. Click Bulk Upload.


  4. The Partner Bulk Upload/Add New Partners screen opens.


  5. Select the partner campaign you would like the upload to be associated to from the Default Campaign dropdown list. (Review the Creating Campaigns for Partner Association article for more information on how to set up campaigns for partners.)


  6. Select the assignee from the Default Assignee dropdown list. This field should default to you. If loan officers should be assigned to someone else, change this field to that user.


  7. Select the branch (or All)from the Insellerate System Branch Associationdropdown list to allow users to view the uploaded partner leads. The branch associations will determine the visibility to the partners.


  8. Select the type of partner who can view the uploaded partner leads from the Partner Type dropdown list.


  9. The Initial Status field is a view-only field that displays the initial status of the uploaded partner. This is set when Creating Campaigns for Partner Association.


  10. The Initial Activity field is a view-only field that displays the initial activity of the uploaded partner. This is set when Creating Campaigns for Partner Association.


  11. Add the thecompleted Partner Bulk Upload Template (saved as the CSV file) to the Data Upload section. There are two options to upload thefile.

    • Drag and drop the file in the Data Upload section.

    • Click in the Data Upload section to access File Explorer to select the file for upload.


  12. Click the Bulk Upload button to add and upload your partners.