What is new, and what is coming for Insellerate? Listen to a replay of the webinar to ensure you take full advantage of all the new features we release and see the vision for where we are heading.
What you will see in the
How to stay up to date with release notes and training?
Review with Demo a demo of significant features added in 2022 Q1-Q3
Review of features added in September and October
Want to know where we are going in the future? We will give you an An overview of some of the big development developments for next year.
Info |
Use the bookmarks in the video to revisit a section or to preview the content in the video. |
We will send out invites to the monthly webinar, about a week in advance, through notifications right in the insellerate application about a week in advance and we will always make the replays Insellerate application. The replays will always be available to you in the Help Center.
We look forward to seeing you on the next call.!