Versions Compared


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This article describes the Communication list in the List section of the Menu Panel of inFlow. This section is similar to the Communication Activity section in the Record Details Panel but this section shows communication events related to ALL records.

How to View the Communication List

  1. Select inFlow 2.0 from the inFlow dropdown menu.


  2. The Communication listappears in the Lists section of the Menu Panel.


  3. Click Communication to view the Communications records entries in the Record List Panel. By default, only the current day’s records entries will be listed. In this example, there are no records entries for the current day. The Communication list in the Menu Panel shows that there are no records entries by displaying a 0 in the green counter circle to the right.
    (blue star) Managers may use the Team/Agent dropdown to view the Communications records entries of other users.


  4. Click inside the Date field to open the dropdown menu.


  5. Select the parameters for the records entries to be displayed and click the Load with Filters (magnifying glass) icon.


  6. The list of communication activity records entries for the user matching the selected parameters opens. The records entries will include a variety of communication types.


  7. Click a record an entry to view the communication. In this example, we are viewing the first recordentry, an email that was received by the user.


  8. The communication content for the the selected record entry opens in the Record Details Panel to the right.

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    Example 1

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Example 2



When an SMS message is opened, the message you click onto is highlighted with a purple box.



Column Name



Type of action that occur (in icon form)


Timestamp of when this event occurred


Type of action (email, call, SMS, etc.)


If the action is a phone recording or call, duration and call recording available.

Action Type

Where the source of data comes from (Outlook sync, call, SMS, etc.)

AI Review

If the AI tool was run, the icon will be present. If it was not run, there will be no icon.


If the record is an inTouch task, it will state the path name.


If the record is an inTouch task, it will state the name of the task.


Direction of event from user


Direction of event to user


User who made action/logged under the user


Status of where the lead is at that this entry relates to


Activity of where lead is at that this entry relates to


Event Types

The Event column of the Communications List displays an icon for each action type.


Event Icon

Action Type

Sent Email From inTouch

Sent Email From My Pipeline Task

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Outlook Email Received

Outlook Email Sent

Email Opened

Call Application

Webphone Call Application

Inbound Call

Email Replied To

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Outbound Call Webphone

Sent Email

AI-Generated Email Sent