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New Features/Enhancements


Table of Contents


inTouch: Email Task - Primary Agent Selection Optimized

What does this mean to Marketing Managers and Admins?


The From Primary Agent Agent checkbox is being removed. The From User drop-down for From User will auto-populate the Primary agentAgent. You can select the drop-down to change it from the Primary Agent to someone else.




What does this mean to Loan Officers and Sales Managers?

Referral Partner Report Updates


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA


Ability to Group by Column
The Referral Partner Report results can be grouped by column. This option also exists in the Marketing Report.


Image Removed

Partner Status Grouping in inFlow

  • Ability to Group by Column in the Status Sections in inFlow
    Users can group the results by any of the columns in the status sections in the Pipeline Panel. This functionality is only available in the Partner workflow.

Screen Shots and Article updates


Status Grouping in inFlow

Ability to Group by Column in the Status Sections in inFlow

  • Users can group the results by any of the columns in the status sections in the Pipeline Panel. This functionality is only available in the Partner workflow.

  • Save functionality was added to make your groups the default for the pipeline section.

    Image Added

AgentConnect Enhancements

Default Disclaimer: Property Flyer and Landing Pages

If a User Disclaimer is entered, it will be the default disclaimer added to the property flyers and landing pages.

Real Estate Partners: Partners with an Existing Account

If a Partner tries to set up an account and one already exists, the Partner will see a message that notifies them an account already exists and displays a login link.


Shared Listings: MLSID Added to Shared Listing View

The listing will now display the MLSID number on the listing in the shared listings.


Manual Flyers: Email Real Estate Flyer and Landing Page Links to Real Estate Partners

Agents can send an email directly from the manual listing to the real estate Partner, including the link to the real estate landing page and the manual flyer.

When printing a manual flyer, you will see a new button to email the agent the flyer and landing page link.


A new option exists to replace an image or logo when creating a manual flyer.


Bugs – Insellerate

External Contact API Updating Partners

Issue: Allows us to update Contacts / Partners without requiring a primary agent if the partner exists.

Status: Resolved

Bugs – AgentConnect

User ID

Issue: AgentConnect UserID was not always passing back when the user was created.

Status: Resolved

Realtor Invite

Issue: When inviting a realtor, an additional default user was showing.

Status: Resolved

Property Overview

Issue: The warning message for overflow text was fixed on the screen. The message would be the property overview text when the section was expanded.

Status: Resolved

Landing Pages

  • Realtor Information
    Issue: When accessing the shared listing landing page, the Realtor Information is not displaying at the bottom of the listing.
    Status: Resolved

  • Loan Officer and Real Estate Agent Information
    Issue: The logo would move off the screen if the name or email did not fit the assigned character limit. The overflow will now move to another line.
    Status: Resolved

User Interface Updates

  • My Realtor Network
    Issue: The Edit button next to the realtor list was removed.
    Status: Resolved

  • Realtor Search Section Removed
    Issue: The Realtor Search section was removed. Users should use the My Network section.
    Status: Resolved