Encompass Archived Loans: Update to address Encompass API changes that requires Insellerate to define which archived statuses the org wants to sync back to Insellerate. Contact support Insellerate Support to activate this feature for a status.
Email Report Contact Type: The Contact Type on the Email Report will auto automatically default per the user’s Workflow Type set in Preferences.
Primary Agent as a new filter: The Primary Agent can now be used as a filter for intouchinTouch, custom queues, and custom reports.
Calendar Event Completion Failure: users were unable to complete a calendar event. Resolved.
Activity Change Error: If user does not have permission for the “move to” activity, the user was receiving a non descript nondescript error code. Error The error code has been updated to make issue clear.
Lead History Filter Bug: Some filter combinations were breaking lead history. Resolved.
Calling List Tool lead skipping bug: Some contacts were being skipped during in the calling list toolCalling List Tool. Resolved.
MyPipeline Field View Un-editableUneditable: If the name of a Field View was too long, the user could not select the edit icon. Resolved.