Info |
You can review previous Release Notes to see all of the system enhancements we have implemented. |
Follow a Realtor:
Receive Emails on Realtor Listing Status Changes
Stay up to date on the listing activity for realtors in the markets you serve. Always know when they have a new listing, pricing changes, pending offers, or sell a home. With AgentConnect you can now follow realtors and receive daily status update emails. Read more about how to Follow a Realtor.
Info |
You will also receive MLS listing updates for your Connected Realtors that accepted your invite. |
New Property Flyers and Sign-up Sheets
Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes
Custom Signature Blocks: if If you have require a custom signature blocks for property flyers reach out to Insellerate Support for help.
Flyer Sizing: flyer Flyer sizing and formatting have been updated for better printing.