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  1. Click the Admin tab.

  2. Click Custom QueuesQueue from the Admin dropdown list.

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  3. The Custom Queue (Custom Queue List) screen opens.

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  4. Click Add.

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  5. The Custom Queue (Custom Queue List) data inputscreen opens.

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  6. Complete the following required fields:

    • Name – This will be Enter the name of the new custom queue. In this example, the new custom queue is called High Balance Disclosures.

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    • Workflow Type – Select Applications or Partner.

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    • Field View – Select the field view for the queue. This dropdown list contains all of the custom field views created in My Pipeline. The items in the list may be changed through the Field View in My Pipeline or by clicking the + button to add additional field views. See the Field Viewarticle for more information.

      Note: Admins can view and edit field views associated with their custom queues.

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      Field views may be edited by clicking the edit button (pencil icon) or deleted by clicking the delete button (trash bin icon).

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    • Filters – Select the filter(s) for the queue. The filter(s) created earlier via Custom Filters are listed here.

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    • System View Permission(s) – Define where each custom queue can be viewed.

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      This enables admins to create custom queues for each business purpose and limit the number of queues a user has in inFlow. Custom queues can be created in:

      • All: inFlow and Calling List Tool

      • inFlow only

      • Calling List Tool only

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  7. Complete the remaining fields if desired.

    • Color - Select a color for the custom queue.

    • Icons - Select an icon for the custom queue.

    • View All

      • If the toggle switch is set to No, the user of the custom queue can only see the assigned leads for which they are the primary agent.

      • If the toggle is set to Yes, the user of the custom queue can view ANY lead that meets the selected criteria regardless of who the lead is assigned to.

    • Take Button
      Note: When a lead is taken from a custom queue, that lead will be is removed for 24 hours from all custom queues with that have the Take button Button toggled to On for 24 hours. This is to limit other users from taking the same lead. (
      If a user has not refreshed their page on inFlow and attempts to take a lead that was recently taken in 24 hours, they will receive a red error toaster. If they refresh the user refreshes their page after it a lead was recently taken, however, they the lead will be visible but should not see the have a Take buttonButton.)

      • If the toggle is set to No, the lead may not be taken by a user.

      • When the toggle is set to Yes, the Daily Cap and Removal Timer fields appear.

      • If the toggle is set to Yes, and the View All toggle is set to No, the user may take any of his/her assigned leads.

      • If the toggle is set to Yes, and the View All toggle is set to Yes, anyone viewing any lead may take it similar to an Open Lead.

    • Daily Cap
      This field appears when the Take button Button is toggled to Yes. It allows users to set a limit to the number of leads taken from the custom queue. The max is 100.

    • Removal Timer
      This field appears when the Take button Button is toggled to Yes. After a lead is taken from a custom queue, it allows the administrator to define the amount of time until a lead can be taken from any custom queue. Admins can set a timer at each custom queue level. Timers can be set in minutes and hours. By default, the removal timer is set to 24 hours.

    • State License

      • If the toggle is set to No, visible leads are not filtered by state license.

      • If the toggle is set to Yes, visible leads are filtered by the state licensing restrictions of the user.

    • Loan Type

      • If the toggle is set to No, visible leads are not filtered by loan type.

      • If the toggle is set to Yes, visible leads are filtered by the loan type restrictions of the user.

    • Loan Purpose Type

      • If the toggle is set to No, visible leads are not filtered by loan purpose type.

      • If the toggle is set to Yes, visible leads are filtered by the loan purpose type restrictions of the user.

    • Permissions
      The Permissions fields identify objects that meet the following:

      • At least one criterion within the Branch and Role fields

      • At least one criterion within the User field

    • Preview Lead Info

      • If the toggle is set to No, users cannot preview additional information about a lead that they are not permitted to view. The default setting is No.

      • If the toggle is set to Yes, users can preview additional information about a lead that they are otherwise not permitted to view.

        • When the user opens a lead in the custom queue, clicking the View Lead Info button opens the Lead Preview popup window.

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          Note: The selected row remains highlighted while the user is viewing that lead. Admins can turn this feature on/off within the Custom Queue settings. The default setting is Off.views the lead.

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        • The Lead Preview popup window displays the additional information available to the user while the user is making a call to that lead but before the call is answered. Once the lead answers the call, the user can select Take and has full control over the lead. If the lead does not answer, the user is not required to Take the lead. The popup window also allows users to Take the lead if the admin sets the Take Button toggle to Yes.

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  8. Click Add to add the new custom queue.

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  9. A green popup notification confirms the successful add of the new custom queue.

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  10. Once added, the display order of the custom queues may be changed by clicking the up/down arrows and clicking Save Display Order.


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