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Filter sets are used as search criteria to display data in the My Pipeline

1. Create a filter set


1.1 The data values that can be configured in a filter set are

Filter setting name


grid. This article covers the following information about filter sets:

Table of Contents


Data Values That Can Be Configured in a Filter Set

Data Value


Filter Setting Name

Required to save or create any filter set



Created Date

List of date range options during which the application was created - all time, today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month, this year, all time, custom range




List of all agents in the


organization that share the same branch permissions as the logged-in user


List of all branch permissions of the logged-in user

Customer type

List of the types of applications in our system


- borrower, external contact,




List of all statuses in the workflow of the logged-in user


List of all campaigns with the same branch permissions as the logged in user


It is optional to mark filter setting as primary (default)


How to Create a Filter Set

You may create any number of filter sets. Duplicate filter set names are allowed.

  1. Navigate the My Pipeline page.

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  2. Click Filter Sets in the left panel.

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  3. The complete customizable panel opens.

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  4. Click the + icon in the Filter Set field.

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  5. The Filter Set section expands.

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  6. Complete the fields in the expanded the Filter Set section.

    • Enter a name in the Filter Setting Name field.

    • Switch the Primary toggle to Yes to set the new filter setting as the Primary filter setting (default). Once a Primary filter setting is selected, every time


    • you navigate to My Pipeline, the


    • Primary filter setting will


    • auto


    • -populate in the Filter


    • Set field


Duplicate filter set names are allowed


    • .

    • Click Create to create the new setting.

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  1. The new filter setting appears in the left panel.

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Note: The Status and Campaign fields must have data entered to create and save a filter set


Any number of filter sets can be created per user


2. Update a filter set




How to Update a Filter Set

Any of the configurable data within a filter set can be changed and updated


The required fields of Filter setting name, status and campaign need to be filled out before saving the changes


3. Delete a filter set


Any and all filter sets can be deleted

. Prior to saving changes, these required fields must have data entered:

  • Filter Setting Name

  • Status

  • Campaign

To update any part of the filter set:

  1. Click inside any of the filter set fields.

  2. Make the desired changes using the dropdown menus or edit (pencil) icons.

  3. Click Update.


How to Delete a Filter Set

Any filter set can be deleted. The report cannot be run if all filter sets are deleted.

  1. Click the Delete (trash can) icon in the Field View or Filter Set field.

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  2. The Delete Filter Setting popup window opens to confirm the deletion. Click Yes.

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  3. The selected filter set is deleted.


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