Versions Compared


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This article will help you post a lead to Insellerate. If you plan to use Zapier to post leads into Insellerate, you can take a look at our Zapier-specific posting instructions HERE.





Insellerate requires partners to Authenticate to Insellerate via both a Basic Auth token for authentication purposes. Please and IP Whitelisting.

  • Insellerate will provide the basic auth token to Partner as part of the set-up process

  • Partner must provide all IP addresses that require whitelisting.

If you have any questions regarding authentication please reach out to your Insellerate customer support to request onecontact.

Posting URL

This will be generated automatically when a campaign is created within the system. If you are a vendor and do not have access to create a campaign, then Insellerate’s support team may be able to assist.


  • Prospect Table (Field Library)
    Column A contains the UI names, while Column B includes the Values that should be posted (ex., First Name = First_Name).

  • Dropdown Value Mappings
    Dropdown fields that require a specific value to be posted (Proposed Loan Purpose, Proposed Loan Type, etc.).

JSON Sample Post

        "root": {
                "row": [
                            "Ref_Id": "Test123",
                            "First_Name": "Test",
                            "Last_Name": "Lead",
                            "Phone": "9999999999",
                            "Work": "8888888888",
                            "Mobile": "999777-999777-99997777",
                            "Email": "",
                            "SSN": "",

                            "DOB": "",

"Address": "1300 Test Ave.",
                            "City_Name": "Orange County",
                            "State_Name": "CA",
                            "Zip_Code": "92626",
                            "DateOfBirthMailing_Address1": "1/1/19801400 Test Blvd.",
                            "ResidenceTypeIdMailing_City": "PrimaryPurple County",
                            "PropertyTypeIdMailing_State": "CondominiumTX",
                            "Borrower_Is_First_Home_BuyerMailing_Zipcode": "true95555",
                            "VeteranDateOfBirth": "true1/1/1980",
                            "Is_spanish_speaker "Veteran": "true",
                            "WorkingBorrower_with_realtormarried": "true",
                            "Loan1Home_Rate_ProposedValue": "3%300000",
                            "Loan1_PurposeType_Proposed": "PurchaseRefinance Cash Out",
                            "Loan1_Type_Proposed": "Conventional",
                            "Loan1_InitialAmountRate_Proposed": "3%",
                            "Home_Value": "300000",                            "Cashout_AmountLoan1_InitialAmount_Proposed": "0250000",
                            "DownPurchase_Payment_Amount": "10000",
                            "Credit_Score": "700",                            "Credit_RatingLos_Loan_Number": "Excellent",
                            "Mailing_Address1": "",                            "Mailing_CityFirst_Name_Co": "TestCo",
                            "Mailing_State": "",

                            "Mailing_Zipcode": "",

                            "Employer": "",

                            "Employment_Address": "",

                            "Employment_City": "",

                            "Employment_State": "",

                            "Employment_Zipcode": "",

                            "Self_Employed": "false",

                            "Bankruptcy": "false",

                            "Foreclosure": "false",

                            "Sale_Date": "",

                            "Purchase_Amount": "",

                            "Funded_Date": "",

                            "AssignToEmail": "",

                            "Notes": "This is a test post.",

                            "First_Name_Co": "",

                            "Last_Name_Co": "",

                            "Email_Co": "",

                            "SSN_Co": "",

                            "DateOfBirth_Co": "",

                            "Phone_Co": "",

                            "Work_Co": "",

                            "Mobile_Co": "",

                            "Veteran_Co": "",

                            "Is_spanish_speaker_co": "",

                            "Credit_Score_Co": "",

                            "Credit_Rating_Co": "",

                            "Mailing_Address1_Co": "",

                            "MailingLast_Name_Co": "LeadCo",
"Phone_Co": "9999999998",
"Work_Co": "8888888887",
"Mobile_Co": "777-777-7776",
"Email_Co": "",
"SSN_Co": "234-56-7890",
"Mailing_Address1_Co": "1500 Test Blvd.",
"Mailing_City_Co": "Purpleish County",
"Mailing_State_Co": "TX",
"Mailing_Zipcode_Co": "94444",
"DateOfBirth_Co": "2/2/1980",
"Veteran_Co": "true",
"Employment_Status": "self-employed",
"Employer": "Adidas",
"Employment_Address": "2701 NW Vaughn Street",
"Employment_City": "Portland",
"Employment_State": "OR",
"Employment_Zipcode": "97210",
"Employer_Co": "Nike",
"Employment_Address_Co": "One Bowerman Dr",
"Employment_City_Co": "Beaverton",
                            "MailingEmployment_State_Co": "OR",
                            "MailingEmployment_Zipcode_Co": "97005",
                            "EmploymentBorrower_Cityother_Coincome": "350",
                            "Employment_State_Co "Notes": "This is a test post.",

                            "Employment_Zipcode_Co": ""



XML Sample Post

                    <Work>< <Work>8888888888</Work>
                    <Mobile>999 <Mobile>777-999777-9999<7777</Mobile>
                    <SSN>< <SSN>123-45-6789</SSN>                    <DOB></DOB>
                    <Address>1300 Test Ave.</Address>
                    <City_Name>Orange County</City_Name>











                    <Loan1_InitialAmount_Proposed>< <Mailing_Address1>1400 Test Blvd.</Mailing_Address1>
<Mailing_City>Purple County</Mailing_City>
<Loan1_PurposeType_Proposed>Refinance Cash Out</Loan1_PurposeType_Proposed>
                    <Home <Purchase_Value>300000</Home_Value>





















                    <Notes>This is a test post.</Notes>










                    <Mailing_Address1_Co>< <Email_Co></Email_Co>
<Mailing_Address1_Co>1500 Test Blvd.</Mailing_Address1_Co>
                    <Mailing_City_Co><Co>Purpleish County</Mailing_City_Co>
<Veteran_Co>true</Veteran_Co>                    <Employer_Co><
<Employment_Address>2701 NW Vaughn Street</Employment_Address>
                    <Employment_Address_Co><Co>One Bowerman Dr</Employment_Address_Co>
<Notes>This is a test post.</Notes>


Field Definitions
