Admins can define groups of agents who can receive leads via campaigns
1. Main grid
Main grid contains a list of existing distribution group that user has created
Click on ADD button to create a new distribution group
Click on Edit (pencil) button to edit the existing distribution group
1.1 Filter type of each column
Column Name | Column Filter Type |
Name | Multi+search |
Distribution | Multi+search |
State License | Multi+search |
Require Login | Multi+search |
Loan Type | Multi+search |
Loan Purpose | Multi+search |
Roles | Multi+search |
Supervisors | Multi+search |
Agents | Multi+search |
2. Create a new distribution group
Name the group
Requires at least 5 to 28 characters
Information about distribution group
Distribution Filters
Specify restrictions using the filters, if no filters are defined, all users will be included in the group
Required State License
If turned on, leads will be distributed based on state licenses
Required Login
If turned on, leads will only distribute to agents who are logged into Insellerate
Selects user based on fields defined in user registration
Loan Type
Loan Purpose
Manually selecting agents from the Agent dropdown overrides all other dropdown filters
All selected agents displays in preview table