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SMS Report

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The SMS Report keeps track of data sent out by the inTouch automated marketing tool. Users are able to see an overview of the data sent out for different campaigns for borrowers, partners, internal team members, and manually-entered emails.




Contact Type

  • Filters by the type of contact selected for the email

  • May be Borrowers, Internal Team, Manual Entries, or Partners

    • Borrower: Primary and co-borrower associated to an application

    • Internal Team: Team members with an Insellerate account

    • Manual Entries: Email addresses manually entered within the inTouch template

    • Partners: External contacts associated to an application (real estate agents/referral partners)


Filters by Campaign


  • Defines the time period of the report

  • Always defaults to the current date when first opened


Filters by Branch


  • Specifies the user who sent the email

  • Always defaults to All when first opened


Column Name



The inTouch Campaign the SMS Template is associated with

Contact Type

Based on the Contact Type filter list: Borrower, Partner, Internal Team, or Manual

SMS Template

The inTouch SMS template being used for SMS sent

Sent Count

How many leads / contacts were identified per the inTouch filter criteria

Processed %

How many leads / contacts Insellerate pushed to be sent to the carriers. Those excluded could be because of duplicates or bad SMS numbers

Responded Count

Number of leads / contacts that responded to the SMS

Responded %

% of SMS Processed that had a response

Opted Out Count

Number of Leads / contacted that requested to be removed from SMS campaigns

Opted Out Count %

% of leads / contacted processed that requested to be removed from SMS campaigns.

To View SMS Reports

  1. Select SMS Report from the inSight drop-down menu.

  2. The SMS Report page opens.

  3. Select the filters you want applied and select “Run Report” to view data.

Based on the number time period or or number of SMS that were sent, the report may take up to 1 minute to complete

[insert picture of UI with results]

SMS Detail Popup

You may select any hyperlink number in the report and it will open a detailed list of each SMS associated to the section.

For all except the “Response” related columns, the popup will include the following columns / data:

[insert picture of the popups without the response column]

The columns with response data will also include the actual response received from the leads / contact.

[insert picture of response popup]


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