Open the WebPhone Sidebar Control Panel
Click the blue WebPhone tab on the right side of the screen.
The WebPhone control panel opens. The Insellerate application shifts to the left.
Open the WebPhone Floating Control Panel
From the WebPhone sidebar control panel, click the four squares icon.
The WebPhone floating control panel opens inside the Insellerate application.
WebPhone Sidebar Control Panel
1 The WebPhone On/Off button turns the WebPhone On/Off. When WebPhone is turned Off, calls ring to the user’s office phone as they did without WebPhone.
2 The Inbound On/Off button turns off WebPhone inbound calls but allows the user to continue to make outbound calls via WebPhone. Inbound calls are sent to the user’s desk phone.
3 The Debug Log button allows users to share feedback (issues and improvement suggestions) with the Insellerate team.
4 The four squares icon allows the user to switch from the sidebar WebPhone control panel to the floating WebPhone control panel.
5 This closes the sidebar WebPhone control panel.
6 The Settings button allows users to configure their input/output audio devices, ringtone when receiving an inbound call, and auto-DTMF feature.
7 The Number Loader returns the dialing feature.
8 The Insellerate WebPhone number is the same as the Insellerate SMS number.
9 This field communicates if the inbound call is On or Off per the user’s settings.
10 Displays the number the user is talking to or the number the user dialed manually.
14 The Mute button disables the caller’s ability to hear the user talk via WebPhone.
15 The Hold button allows the caller to hear hold music and disables the user’s ability to hear the caller.
WebPhone Floating Control Panel
1 The Settings button allows users to configure their input/output audio devices, ringtone when receiving an inbound call, and auto-DTMF feature.
2 The Number Loader returns the dialing feature.
3 Closes the sidebar WebPhone control panel.
** All other functions are the same as the sidebar WebPhone control Panel.
WebPhone Settings
Users can configure their input/output audio devices, ringtone when receiving an inbound call, and auto-DTMF feature.
Audio Devices
Audio input/output devices are the devices that the browser finds. If the user allows microphone access or headset/speaker access for their browser, options appear in the dropdown.
Audio Devices fields:
Audio Input
Audio Output
The Auto DTMF setting is for the WebPhone to auto-press a number when starting or answering a call. Users can enter any digit between 0 and 9. Users most commonly select '1' for the Click-to-Call, Ring All, and ICR features. Leaving the field blank disables this setting.
Auto DTMF fields:
Auto DTMF on After Answering Incoming Call
Auto DTMF on After Outgoing Call is Being Answered
Reset Settings
Press Click to Reset All Settings to return each field to its default setting.
Call Setting Use Cases
Call Setting | Inbound Calls | Outbound Calls |
WebPhone & Inbound On | Via WebPhone | Via WebPhone |
WebPhone Off | Via Office Phone | Via Office Phone |
Inbound Off | Via Office Phone | Via WebPhone |