This article describes the My Network section where you manage your real estate referral partner relationships in AgentConnect. In the My Network section, you can:
Search for real estate partners to send a new invitation
See a complete list of connected real estate partners
See a list of pending real estate partner invitations
When a real estate partner accepts an invitation to My Network, both you and the real estate partner can create flyers for their MLS listings using My Shared Listings. Real estate partners must accept your invitation in order to use My Shared Listings.
This article covers the following topics:
How to Search for a Real Estate Partner
Invitations should only be sent to real estate partners with whom you have an existing relationship.
Click My Network.
Search for the realtor under the Connections tab on the My Realtor Network page. You can search for the realtor in two ways:
By the realtor’s MLS ID# (Step 3)
By the realtor's last name (Step 4)
Searching by the realtor’s MLS ID# is the preferred method as it only yields a single result.
Enter the realtor’s MLS ID# in the search field and click the Search icon.
Follow these tips to find the realtor’s MLS ID# if you don’t already have it.
Check the realtor’s existing signature block. They often disclose it there.
Find any active or past listing in Zillow, Redfin, or other public listing site. The realtor’s MLS ID# will always be located on the page, often near the bottom.
Searching by the realtor’s last name often yields multiple results that must be filtered down.
Check the Search by Realtor Last Name box.
Enter the realtor’s last name and click the Search icon.
If there are too many results, you can filter them by name, state, agency, or the MLS they are part of.
Select the three dots next to a column and select a filter by placing a check next to the box, or type additional information into the filter box. Click Filter to narrow the results by the selected/entered criteria.
The results are filtered.
Once a realtor is selected, you can select either Invite Realtor or Follow.
Note: If there are duplicates, select can any of the matching results.
How to Invite a Real Estate Partner to Your Network
Once the real estate partner has been selected, complete these steps to start the connection.
Click the + Invite Realtor button.
A popup reading Confirm Invite opens.
Read and confirm you understand the requirements to invite a realtor to your network.
Note: The grey status bar at the bottom of the popup window will turn green as you complete the fields.Enter the Recipient Email address where your real estate partner would like you to send the invite.
Enter your initials to confirm.
Click Next.
A popup opens confirming your invitation was successfully sent.
The realtor’s status will show that an invitation has been sent.
How to Follow a Real Estate Partner
Once the real estate partner has been selected, complete these steps to add the realtor to the Following section of your network.
Click the + Follow button.
Click the + Follow button when the Follow Confirmation popup window opens.
The realtor’s status will show that they are followed by you.
Monitoring Real Estate Partners
There are two main sections of the main screen in the My Network tab: Invites and Network.
This section shows invitations you have sent to real estate partners that are pending. Clicking External allows you to view invitations pending to real estate Partners outside of your organization.
This section shows your real estate partners who have accepted your invitation and completed their profile setup.
Managing Real Estate Partners
Network real estate partners are listed under one of the following categories:
The Connections section displays the Pending and Connected real estate partners associated with the account.
The Manual section displays the real estate partners you manually entered into AgentConnect. You can add, remove, and archive partners from this tab.
Follow these steps to manually add a new real estate partner.
Click the + icon to open the Manage Realtor panel.
Enter information in all applicable fields of the Manage Realtor popup window.
Click Save to add the realtor.
Follow these steps to manually archive a real estate partner.
Click the Archive icon to move the real estate partner when you no longer work with them.
A toaster in the top right corner of the screen confirms the partner has been successfully archived. The partner will appear under the Archive tab.
Follow these steps to manually edit a real estate partner.
Click the Edit icon to open the Manage Realtor panel where you can edit the information for the real estate partner.
Make changes in the Manage Realtor popup window.
Click Save to save the edits. A toaster in the top right corner of the screen confirms the edits have been saved.
The Following section displays all of the real estate partners you are following.
You can invite, edit, and delete partners from the Following section. Pending invitations are displayed.
The Archive section displays the real estate partners who have been archived.
Managing Invites
How to Resend Invites
Click the Refresh icon to resend the invitation.
How to Delete a Partner or Cancel an Invite
Click the Delete icon to delete or cancel an invitation.