The Field view controls the number of fields (columns) displayed in the main grid with data from lead details according to the filter set selected.
Column Name | Column Filter Type | Description |
Activity | Multi+search | Activity associated with application status; it refers activity of application(s) |
Current Units | Number | Current unit associated with application activity; it refers total units/numbers applications |
Volume | Number | Total amount of a particular application based on their status or activity |
Avg Days | Number | Average amount of time that all of those leads/applications have been sitting in that status or activity |
Trend vs Prior Days (Units) | Number | |
Status Display Order | Number |
Status | Multi+search | Status (Funded) of a lead |
Funded MTD | Number | The count of how many applications moved to Funded status in this month up to the current date |
Volume Funded MTD | Number | Total amount of leads sitting in Funded status |
Avg Days To Fund | Number | Average amount of time that all of those leads/applications have been sitting in Funded status |
Vs Last Month | Number | Total units of lead in comparison to the previous month |
Click Lead Counts to view the Lead Details popup containing details information about those leads. Click the Excel Export button to export a popup report. The Report view can also be saved/loaded/cleared. See the Saved Report Views article for more details.
Column Name | Column Filter Type | Description |
Date | Date | Indicates the application created date of the lead |
Campaign | Multi+search | Campaign name the lead belongs to |
Primary Officer | Multi+search | Indicates the main officer of those leads |
Current Status | Multi+search | Indicates the current status of those leads |
Last Activity | Multi+search | Indicates the activity of leads is in within the current status |
LOS Loan # | Multi+search | Indicates the LOS file ID of the lead in inFlow |
Loan Amount | Number | Indicates the Proposed Initial Loan Amount - First of the lead in inFlow |
Last Name | Multi+search | Last name of a lead in inFlow |
First Name | Multi+search | First name of a lead in inFlow |
State | Multi+search | Indicates the property state of the lead in inFlow |
Phone | Multi+search | Mobile phone number of the leads in inFlow |