This article will help you post a lead to Insellerate.



Provide Inselerate with your static posting IP address so that we may have it whitelisted.

Posting URL: This will be generated automatically when a campaign is created within the system. If you are a vendor and do not have access to create a campaign, then Insellerate’s support team may be able to assist.

Documents you may need:

JSON Sample Post:







                 "Ref_Id": "test123",

                "First_Name": "Test",

                "Last_Name": "Lead",

                "Mobile": "5555555555",

                "Address": "1300 Test Ave.",

                "City_Name": "Orange County",

                "State_Name": "CA",

                "Zip_Code": "92626",

                "DateOfBirth": "1/1/1980",

                "Loan1_Amount": "500000",

                "Loan1_Payment": "2500",

                "Notes": "This is a test post",





XML Sample Post:






<Mobile>(834) 567-8964</Mobile>

<Address>1300 Test Ave.</Address>

<City_Name>Orange County</City_Name>






<Notes>This is a test post</Notes>



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