
This training article is designed for end users (loan officers, account executives, and other sales team members) who are sending content to clients.

See the Content Library: Creating l Editing Content article for administrator features.

This article describes the options available in the Content Library for sending and using approved content. It includes the following topics:

Accessing the Content Library

There are two options to access the Content Library.

Option 1: inTouch

  1. Click inTouch in the main menu bar.

  2. Select Content Library from the inTouch drop-down menu.

  3. The default view displays all the approved content you can use.

Option 2: Main Menu

  1. Click the Content Library icon from the right side of the main menu bar.

  2. The default view displays all the approved content you can use.

See the Content Library Navigation article for additional filter options.

Viewing Content

  1. There are two options for previewing the content.

  2. Both options open the Content Preview panel.

Cloning Content

Cloning content in the Content Library duplicates an existing piece of content and allows you to use it as a starting point to edit and create a new version of the content.

  1. Click the clone icon.

  2. The Clone Content panel opens, allowing you to edit the content using the content editor.

  3. Send a test email.

  4. Click Save to save a new version of the content.

Creating a Task

Creating a task gets content ready to send. You can easily share and reuse preapproved content. Based on your permissions, you will be able to send a task for approval or send it directly to an audience.

  1. Click the Send icon.

  2. Complete the 5-Step Task Approval Process that is initiated. It includes the following steps:

Step 1: What do you want to send?

This step provides a full preview of what will be sent. You can review the content before clicking Next step. The content includes:

Step 2: Who is your audience?

This step automatically loads a screen displaying a list of applications assigned to you. This list includes essential details that can be filtered to narrow down the population of clients to send the content to. The details include:

Filter Content by Header Columns

Content can be filtered by the header columns. Click Next step when filtering is complete.

Filter Content by Individual Columns

Content can be filtered by individual columns. Click Next step when filtering is complete.

The information that auto-populates in the Audience section is subject to the settings in your User Preferences. The Customer Type default setting controls the audience results.

  • Customer Type = Borrower: Results will show your borrower applications.

  • Customer Type = Partner: Results will automatically include your partners.

Step 3: Who is this to/from?

This step allows you to choose the recipients of the email by selecting the To, Cc, BCC, and From fields. By default, the email will be sent from the primary agent's email address but this can be changed to another sender in the organization.

Click inside the To fields to add or remove recipients. Click into the From field to change the sender.

Step 4: Let’s Schedule It

This step allows you to schedule the delivery of the content by:

Time Zone

Select the time zone to send from. This field defaults to the user's setting in User Registration. Click Next step when the time zone, date, and time are set.


Select the date to send the content. Click Next step when the time zone, date, and time are set.


Select the time to send the content. Click Next step when the time zone, date, and time are set.

Step 5: Review and Submit

This step allows you to review the content and delivery schedule and submit it. The template name, audience size, action type (e.g., email), and scheduled date and time are on this screen.

More About the Content Library