
A banner block in an email editor typically allows users to add an eye-catching image or graphic prominently displayed at the top of an email, often featuring the main message or offer.

Choosing an Image or Graphic

When selecting an image or graphic format for your banner, consider the following:

Adding a Banner Block

  1. Drag and drop the banner block into one of the structured containers.

    Banner Block Drag and Drop.mp4

  2. Click the banner block that was dropped. Options to add an image open.

  3. Select an image from the Image Gallery or stock photos OR add a linked path to an image.


  4. Set the orientation of the banner. It can be horizontal, vertical, or square crop.

  5. Use the filter to make adjustments, if needed. The photo filter refers to an image processing tool that enables users to apply different visual effects to their images to enhance their appearance and convey a specific mood or style.

  6. Link the banner to a URL.

    1. Enter the URL into the link section.

    2. Validate the link.

  7. Add alternate text if desired. Alternate text (alt text) is a description of an image that appears in place of the image if it fails to load or cannot be displayed and is also used by screen readers for accessibility purposes.

  8. Add an additional picture, if desired. Add an additional picture to the banner image. A logo or another image can be layered over the top of the picture.

  9. Turn the Add an Anchor Link toggle to On to add hyperlinks that take readers to specific paragraphs within the email.

  10. Choose the setting for the Hide element toggle. Users have the option to hide the text on either the desktop or the mobile application.


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