How To: Create or Edit User Accounts

How To: Create or Edit User Accounts


This article explains how to create or edit user accounts within Insellerate.

How to Create a New User Account

  1. Select User Registration from the Admin drop-down menu.


  2. The User Registration (Manage and Edit Users) screen opens.


  3. Click Add.


  4. The User Registration (New User) screen opens.

  5. Complete the required information (identifed with a gold asterisk) at a minumum.

  6. Click Add to submit the new user information.


The new user will appear in the User Registration (Manage and Edit Users) list. Use the filter feature in any of the columns to find the new user within the list.


How to Edit an Existing User Account

  1. Select User Registration from the Admin drop-down menu.


  2. The User Registration (Manage and Edit Users) screen opens.

  3. Click the pencil icon to the right of the user’s name.


  4. The User Registration (Edit User) screen opens.

  5. Make the desired changes to the user information and click Update.