Viewing Leads Associated with a Referral Partner (Web Application)
One of the many benefits of associating leads to Partners in the Insellerate application is seeing all of the leads for a Referral Partner in one place. This article describes how you can see all the associated applications using the web application.
Pro Tip
When reaching out to a Partner, have the Partner lead open so you can quickly access any leads you want to discuss.
Navigate to inFlow.
Click the Customer Type drop-down.
Select Partner.
Open your Partner in the Application Panel.
Expand the Associated Applications section. You can easily see each application's status from this view.
Columns Displayed in the Application Panel for Associated Leads
The following columns are displayed in the Associated Applications section.
Column | Description |
Application ID | Clicking the row redirects the user to that borrower application. |
External Contact Association Type |
App Create Date | The date and time the application was created. |
App Campaign Name | The external contact campaign to which the application belongs. |
App Current Status Name | The inFlow status in which the application currently resides. |
App Last Name | The last name of the application. |
App First Name | The first name of the application. |
App Property State | The property state mentioned within the Partner Registration profile. |
inFlow: Grouping Leads in the Pipeline Panel for Partner Leads
Leads can be grouped in a section within the pipeline by a specific column. You can choose to group leads by Campaign, State, Last Activity, and more. The Save option allows you to keep the grouping going forward.
Use the save icon to make your grouping selection the default for a section.
Note: When you click the application, it will open in another tab allowing you to quickly toggle between the view with all of the leads and into each application.