Classic - RE Agent Report
The Real Estate Agent Report records how many leads a specific real estate agent has supplied. It also records the conversion rates of the leads provided by the real estate agent.
Retrieve Report Based on Selected Filters
Users can export reports as an Excel file by clicking the Excel Export button. The report view can also be saved/loaded/cleared. See the Saved Report Views article for more details.
Filter | Description |
Date |
Branch |
Buyer/ Seller
Campaign |
Columns Displayed by Default
Additional columns can be added to the report.
Column totals are listed at the bottom of the report.
The Totals row contains the aggregated data of the respective columns.
Column Name | Column Filter Type | Description |
RE Agent Name | Multi+search | Name of the real estate agent |
RE Agent Branch | Multi+search | Name of the real estate agent branch |
RE Agent Company | Multi+search | Name of the real estate agent company |
Total Leads | Number | Total amount of leads provided by the real estate agent |
Conversion Rate | Number | Percentage of leads that get to processing |
Leads Details
Clicking on any of the counts will display the Leads Details popup. See the Leads Details article for more details.