AgentConnect - My Network: Finding Realtors

AgentConnect - My Network: Finding Realtors

This article provides an overview of how to search for, find, and invite Realtors to connect. Once connected, the loan officer and the realtor will see all active listings in their respective AgentConnect accounts so they can easily create landing pages and property fliers.

  1. Go to the “MyNetwork” section of AgentConnect


  2. There are two methods to search for a reatlor:

    1. Realtor MLS ID: preferred as will be a one to one match. If possible, request from the realtor their MLS ID.

      1. TIPS to find the realtor’s MLS ID:

        1. Check the realtor’s existing signature block. They often disclose it there.

        2. Find any active or past listing in Zillow, Redfin, http://Reatltor.com or other public listing site. The realtor’s MLS ID will always be located on the page. Often, near the bottom.

    2. Realtor Last Name: just requires more filtering if common last name.

  3. To search by the Realtor MLS ID, enter it into the search box:


  4. To search by the Realtor Last Name, check the “Search by Realtor Last Name” box and then enter the Realtor Last Name:


  5. After selecting the search icon image-20240816-154930.png, a new page will appear with results. If there are too many results, then you can further filter down the results by Name, State, Agency or MLS they are part of.



    1. To filter, select the three dots image-20240816-154857.png next to the column and a search / filter box will open. You can scroll or enter additional info to filter the results down more.


  6. Invite the realtor: once you have identified the realtor, select the “Invite Realtor” button image-20240816-155125.png to start the connection process. Note: If there are duplicates, select any of the matching results for the invitation.