New Features/Enhancements
inFlow: Follow-up Due Dates added to Lead History
What does this mean to Loan Officers?
When setting a follow-up Loan, officers can see the follow-up due dates when you access lead history.
A screenshot shows the follow-up date
Partner Workflow: Bulk Upload to Create Partners
What does this mean for Loan Officers, Sales Managers and Admins?
Insellerate has a new bulk upload option to add your Real Estate Partners. Users with the Bulk Upload permission can use upload functionality to add Real Estate Partners in bulk so that loan officers can use the Parter Worklfow.
Need a bulk upload how to article
Email Report: Email Details available for Column Totals
What does this mean to Marketing Managers and Sales Managers?
The email report enhancement allows you to access the email details for all the total columns displayed at the bottom of the report. This will allow you to pull up all the leads within a total population.
SMS Report: SMS Report Details Available for Column Totals
What does this mean to Marketing Managers and Sales Managers?
The SMS report enhancement allows you to access the email details for all the total columns displayed at the bottom of the report. This will allow you to pull up all the leads within a total population.
My Reports: All Follow-Up Report
The Created by and Assigned to fields have been added to the All Follow-Up Report.
inLead Campaigns
What does this mean to Marketing Managers and Admins?
The screen tip to edit a Post URL you need to open a customer Support Ticket.
? SMS Visibility Borrowers with More than One Application (I didn’t see this one)
What does it mean to Loan Officers and Sales Managers?
SMS messages will show all text exchanges between a client and partners. This includes when the client has more than one Application. You will see the messages displayed from most to least recent.
Status: Resolved
Status: Resolved
Status: Resolved
Status: Resolved