SMS Notifications

SMS Notifications

Users may be notified of a new SMS message through several means, including:

  • SMS notifications

  • Chatbox

SMS Notification Icon

Clicking the SMS Notification icon opens a dropdown that chronologically lists all SMS conversations, with the most recent conversation on top. Each SMS conversation displays the last message in the conversation.

  • Each row of unread messages has an individual Unread Message count.

  • If the chatbox is closed, the SMS Notification icon shakes and displays the total Unread Message count.

  • If the user refreshes the page or logs out/logs in, no Unread Message count is displayed.


Messages are updated in real-time for the user’s own correspondence. For example, if a user views another agent’s conversation, they must refresh the page to see new messages.

  • If the chatbox is minimized, the header flashes green for the most recent incoming message.

  • If the chatbox is open, the conversation section switches to the conversation with the most recent incoming message.

Sending Messages

Users must be assigned to the lead to send SMS messages. However, if a user can view the lead, they can also view all SMS correspondence between all roles. These messages do not update in real-time. To see the most recent messages, a user must refresh the page.

Receiving Messages

  • If an external contact (real estate agent, referral partner) is assigned to multiple applications, they may receive multiple SMS messages from the same agent. When an external contact replies to a conversation, it is displayed in the application that was last updated.

  • If multiple applications have the same mobile number, the last application updated receives the SMS message.

  • If the borrower and co-borrower have the same mobile number, only one of them will appear in the chatbox.

  • If the borrower or co-borrower has the same mobile number as an external contact, the external contact receives the SMS message.