Common Field Settings for All Action Template Types |
Feld Setting | Description |
Active | Used to activate/inactivate the action template |
Action Type | Displays the action template type of the current template |
Tags | User can choose any tags from the dropdown menu Click the check button to select all tags Custom tags can be added by entering new tag name and press Enter or Tab to insert
Name | Any name can be given to the action template |
Description | A description of the action |
Dedupe | Used to dedupe the inTouch task results to send the action item to the application with the most recent human activity if there are duplicates For emails, checks for matching email address to determine duplicates For SMS and Ringless Voicemail, checks for matching phone numbers (mobile, home and work) to determine duplicates Dedupe does not apply to Webhook action templates
Task Button | Takes users to previous page (Task Template Setup) |