Click My Flyers.
Click Shared Listings.
The My Shared Listings section opens. It shows all the real estate agents' listings in your My Network section.
Click the Flyer icon.
A blue popup notification appears confirming that the flyer is being generated.
It takes approximately 15 seconds to create the flyer.
If the flyer does not generate, check your browser settings to allow popups.
The newly-generated flyer opens in a separate tab.
Click the Print or Download icon to print or download the flyer.
Follow these steps to create an image you can upload to a social media account. The image is formatted for use on LinkedIn or Facebook.
Click the Share icon.
Select Share on Facebook or Share on LinkedIn.
The Preview Share popup window opens displaying the image you will see. You can Close or Download the image.
Follow these steps to edit the pricing options and discount points to show on the flyer.
Click the Pricing icon.
The Set Loan Program Order popup window opens.
Users can add Discount Points that would discount points to be applied to all loan programs displayed.
Drag and drop the loan programs into the order you would like them to display.
Click Preview to see how the pricing will display on the flyer, including any discount points, if applicable.
Click View Details to see the best offer for that specific loan program and the two closest programs.