On the Content Library page, check the box next to Social Media under Content Type.
Click the Post to Social Media icon for the content selected to be posted.
The Post to Social Media screen opens.
Complete the fields in the Post to Social Media screen.
Template Name: The template name is entered by the admin when the template is created. If you change the template name when creating a social media post, the new name appears as the Task Name in the Task Management screen in inSight. The template name does not change. The template name is limited to 128 characters.
Description: Enter a description of the content to be posted (optional).
User Association: Select the user associated with the content from the drop-down menu in the User Association field. If tokens are being used in the content, it will pull from this user.
Connect Facebook: This allows you to link your Business Facebook page.
Click Connect Facebook.
Sign in to your Facebook account.
Select the Business Page where you want the post to be published.
Facebook Message: This is the message that will be displayed as the post text. Content creators may choose whether the content message is editable.
Shared Link: Enter aURLin this field. This link will appear at the end of the social media post. It can be used to direct users to a website, their Apply Now link, article, blog post, etc.
Post Options: Several options are available for when to post to social media.
Post Now immediately posts to the user’s linked social media account.
Schedule allows you to pick a future date and time to schedule a post.
Removal Date allows you to specify a removal date for Facebook posts. This function ensures that posts are automatically taken down from the platform on the designated date, providing control and flexibility over the content's lifespan.
Expiration Date enables you to schedule an expiration date for posts on Facebook. This ensures that content stays relevant and up-to-date, saving you the effort of manually removing outdated posts.
Downloading Flyers
Select a static flyer from the Content Library.
Click the Download icon.
The flyer appears in the your Download folder. Click the flyer name to open it.
Select a template-based flyer from the Content Library.
Click the Download icon.
The template for the flyer opens.
You can change the content settings for the template in the Content Settings menu on the left side.
If no changes are needed, click Download to download the template.
If changes are desired, continue to Step 6.You may change the template name, add/change the template description, and/or add/change the tokens by modifying the fields in the Content Settings menu.
Template Name: Change the name of the template directly in the Template Name field.
Description: Add or change the description of the template directly in the Description field.
User Association: Select the appropriate name from the User Association drop-down list to add to the template in the Primary Agent token location.
Partner Association: Select the appropriate name from the Partner Association drop-down list to add to the template in the Partner token location.
Click Download to save the changes in the template. The updated template appears in your Download folder.
Click the template name in the Download folder to open the updated template.