Post Now immediately posts to the user’s linked social media account.
Click Post Now to post the message immediately.
Schedule allows you users to pick a future date and time to schedule a post.
Enter the date and time for the message to be posted.
Click Schedule.
Removal Date allows you users to specify a removal date for Facebook social media posts. This field does not appear until a post has been scheduled. This function ensures that posts are automatically taken down from the platform on the designated date, providing control and flexibility over the content's lifespan.
Enter the date the message is to be removed from social media.
Click Schedule.
Expiration Date enables you admins to schedule an expiration date for posts on Facebooksocial media. This field does not appear until a post has been scheduledis greyed out for other users. If a user enters a Removal Date that precedes an Expiration Date, the post will be removed on the Removal Date. This function ensures that content stays relevant and up-to-date, saving you users the effort of manually removing outdated posts.
Enter the date the message will expire.
Click Schedule.
How to Connect to Facebook