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  1. Click the queue or workflow that contains the lead for which you would like to schedule a follow-up.The list of new leads lead will open in the Records Detail section Record List Panel on the right. In this example, we are opening a new lead.


  2. Click the lead for which you would like to schedule a follow-up. In this example, we are opening the drr2S1134 lead.


  3. Click the Follow-Up icon in the Action Tools in the Records Detail Record Details Panel that opens for the selected lead.


  4. The Schedule Follow-Up popup window opens. The name on the selected lead and the person the lead is assigned to will automatically be populated inside the window.



  1. Complete the unpopulated fields in the Schedule Follow-Up popup window.


    • Subject: The default subject is <follow-up type, borrower full name>. You can add your own subject to override the default.

    • Associated Contact: The name of the lead for the follow-up.

    • Organizer Name and Email Address: The name and email address of the person who created the follow-up.

    • External Calendar Invitee(s): The names/email addresses of individuals added to the follow-up through Outlook integration.

    • Date and Time (required): The date and time of the follow-up. All past dates are disabled.

    • Start: The scheduled start time for the follow-up.

    • End: The scheduled end time for the follow-up.

    • Reminder: The default reminder time of 15 minutes can be changed.

    • Assigned: If the follow-up is assigned to another user, the user’s name is selected here. This is a permissions-based feature.

    • Type (required): Select Call, Email, Other, or SMS from the dropdown.

    • Download Calendar Invite: Option to upload the calendar invitation.

    • Notes: Any added notes (up to 2000 characters) will appear in the Notes section of the lead.

    • Add to Calendar: Add the follow-up to your configured iCalendar or Outlook calendar. The follow-up schedule file is automatically downloaded.

  2. Click Update to save the follow-up.


Click the Trash icon to delete a follow-up. A green toaster confirms that the follow-up has been completed. Deleting a follow-up does not remove the follow-up notes saved in the Notes section of the Records Detail Record Details Panel in inFlow.


Scheduling, Editing, Viewing, and Completing Follow-Ups for Other Users
