Click inFlow 2.0 from the inFlow dropdown list.
Select a lead status from the inFlow options Menu Panel. In this example, we have selected New Lead and the leads are listed in the Record List Panel to the right.
Click the selected lead. In this example, the first lead (drr2S1134 all2S1143) in the New Lead list is selected.
The Record Details Panel opens to the right.
Select the Assign icon from the Action Tools.
The Assign popup window opens.
Select an admin from the Org Admin dropdown menu.
Select an agent from the Loan Officer dropdown menu.
If you would like to make this user the primary agent, scroll to the bottom of the Assign popup window and click Edit next to Primary Agent. If you do not want to make this user the primary agent, skip to Step 9.
The secondary Assign popup window displays the Current Primary Agent and a Change To dropdown option.
Click the Change To dropdown menu and select the user to whom you just assigned the lead.
Click Update to save the changes. Any new agents assigned to the lead will receive a popup notification informing them that a lead has been assigned in their name.