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Table of Contents


This article describes how to :


Create custom reports based on any fields in the application database


create primary (default) field views and filter sets in My Pipeline that auto-populate


Save different field views and filter sets

Examples of default reports you can create include:

  • All Borrowers with loan details

  • All New Leads Today/WTD/MTD/YTD

  • All New Submissions Today/WTD/MTD/YTD

  • Borrower Address List

  • Referral Partner Address List

  • My Leads that are in Open

And many more depending on your specific need!

Getting Started

The updated . This article is divided into the following sections:

Table of Contents



The My Pipeline opening screen has two sections:

  • The left side of the screen has new features that enable includes fields that allow you to define different field views and filter sets.

  • The right side of the screen shows data results based on the selected field view and filter set.



Tips and terms to know as you get started:

  • A default field view will be selected at your initial login. You will need to set a primary filter set. We recommend setting this to all of your leads.

  • Once set up, you can open My Pipeline and click the Run button to access your primary My Pipeline data set.






Preset Report


Field View




System Default View




Primary View (Default View)




Filter Set




Primary Filter Set




App Created Date












Customer Type











Field Descriptions



Preset Report

See the Preset Reports article for details.


The team or agent selected for the report.

Include Inactive Applications

This toggle displays results that include/exclude applications that are assigned to inactive users. This applies when All is selected in the the Team/Agent dropdown.

+ Filter Sets

Open up this section to use My Pipeline with the legacy functionality.

Field View

See the Field View article for details.

Filter Set

See the Filter Sets article for details.

App created date

All time - 01/01/1970 to the current day.


The logged-in user’s branches.

Workflow Type

All branch permissions of the logged-in user.


All statuses in the logged-in user’s workflow.


All campaigns that have the same branch permissions as the logged-in user.


Create a Default View

The first time you log in to My Pipeline, you will need to create a filter set to establish your default view for future logins. You will need to set a primary filter set. We recommend setting this to all of your leads. Once set up, you can open My Pipeline and click the Run button to access your primary My Pipeline data set. In this section, we will create a sample filter set.

  1.  Log in to Insellerate.

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  1. Select My Pipeline from the inSight dropdown list


  1. .

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  2. The My Pipeline page opens.


  1. image-20241115-234400.pngImage Added

  2. Select All from the Team/Agent dropdown list.


  1. image-20241115-234556.pngImage Added

  2. Select My Branches from the Branch dropdown list.


  1. image-20241115-234737.pngImage Added

  2. Select


  1. Applications from the


  1. Workflow Type dropdown list.


  1. image-20241115-235000.pngImage Added

  2. Select All from the Status(s) dropdown list.


  1. image-20241115-235157.pngImage Added

    Once selected, the Status(s) field will read 1 ITEM(S) Selected.


  1. image-20241115-235308.pngImage Added


    To see the selected item, hover your cursor in the Status(s) field.


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  2. Select All from the Campaign(s) dropdown list. 


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    Once selected, the Campaign(s) field will read 1 ITEM(S) Selected.


  1. image-20241116-000102.pngImage Added

    To see the selected item, hover your cursor in the Campaign(s) field.


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  2. Create the new filter set by clicking the + in the Filter Set field.


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  2. The Filter Setting Name window opens.


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  2. Enter a name in the Filter Set field.

  3. Slide the Primary button to Yes to use the new filter set as your default.

  4. Click Create to create the report.


  1. image-20241116-000604.pngImage Added

  2. The All


  1. Applicants default filter set is created successfully. Click the Filter Set dropdown arrow to view all available filter sets. The All


  1. Applicants filter set is the only filter set available until additional filter sets are created.


View the Default Report

With the filter set and filter view selected, you can run the report.


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  2. Click the Field View dropdown arrow to see all available field views. The System Default field view is the only field view available until additional field views are created.


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  2. Click Run Report.

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  3. The default view report opens. It may take 3-20 seconds for the data to load and the report to appear.


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Viewing the Default Report

Preset Columns

The System Default Report includes the following preset columns:




Move the scroll bar, at the bottom of the screen, to the right to view all of the columns. Click the numbers/arrows below the scroll bar to move down a page at a time.



Quick Action Tools

Click an icon in the Quick Action Toolbar to perform the following actions:

  • View associated notes

  • Call the application

  • Send an SMS to the application

  • Create a note

  • Create a follow-up


Leads Counter

The report will show up to the most recent 2000 leads per filter set. If the filter set results in more than 2000 leads, a message appears in the top right of the screen stating, “Showing up to 2000 results. Refine filters to narrow results.” The counter at the bottom of the page shows how many of the 2000 results are currently being viewed on the page.


If the filter set results in fewer than 2000 leads, the counter at the bottom of the page shows how many of the total results are currently being viewed on the page. You can modify the filter set to narrow the report focus resulting in fewer leads.



Filtering Leads

The report results can be filtered directly inside the report. The filter options are specific to each column. To view the column filters, click the three dots after the column name and select the additional filters.


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Exporting the Report

Click the X to the right of My Pipeline to export the report to Excel.


Custom Field Views

Users can create custom field views.


Create a new filter view by clicking the + in the Filter View field.



The Create Field View window opens. Fields that are required for all data exports are already populated.



Enter the name of the new field view. In this example, we will create a new field view titled Lead Addresses.



Search for fields related to the new Field View in the Related Fields search bar. Select the fields you would like to add from the results. Hold down the control key to select more than one result. You may do multiple searches.



Click the right arrow button to move the selected results from the Available Fields column to the Chosen Fields column.



The selected field results now appear (along with additional selected field results) in the Chosen Fields columns.



Click on the results in the Chosen Fields column and use the arrows to rearrange their order.



To make the new Field View the Primary View (default view), toggle the button. If you do not wish to make this the Primary View, make no change. Click Create.


The New Field View is created.


View the New Field View Report

  1. Click Run Report. It may take 3-20 seconds for the data to load and the report to appear.

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  2. The new report opens. The columns include the required fields and the added custom fields. The added custom fields appear across the columns in the order they were saved.

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  3. To edit the report, click the pencil icon in the Field View field.

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  4. The Update Field View window opens. You can search for and select new fields from the Available Fields to add to the Chosen Fields, rearrange the order of the Chosen Fields, or change the report to be the Primary View (default view) from this window. After making the changes, click Update.

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