Using Task Approval Settings
Click Select Org Setting from the Admin tab in the main menu bar.
Select Org Settings from the drop-down list.
Expand the Marketing section.
Click Task Approval Settings.
Enter the Task Approvers.
SelectExpand the Marketing section.
Click Content Library Settings.
The Marketing/Content Library Settings/Manage Content Library Settings page opens.
Complete the Statuses to Exclude from Audience Selection and Task Approval Process Settings sections.
Select a status(es) from the Status(s) dropdown list that should be excluded.
Select the first-level approvers from the drop-down list Task Approver(s) dropdown.
Set the Task Approver #2 Required toggle.
Yes requires a second-level approver for Tasks.
No requires Tasks to be approved by only one approver.
Select the second-level approvers from the drop-down Task Approver 2(s) dropdown list.
Click Save to save your settings.