New Feature/Enhancements
Marketing Communications Control Settings
Users can now define the email, SMS, and RVM send configurations for automated communications at the User and Lead Level.
User Level Profile Settings
This will define what automated marketing is sent to all newly created leads by default for the User:
Additionally, the User can override these settings at the lead level by selecting the “inTouch” user.
Lead Level Control Settings: inTouch Action Tool
The user can override the User Level Profile settings at the Lead Level by selecting the inTouch Action Tool for a specific lead:
Lead Level Control Settings: inTouch Action Tool
When first opened, the Lead Level Control settings all are defaulted to no selection No Selection which means the User Profile Settings will be used.
User The user can then select a specific communication type and decide if marketing will be sent “Yes” or “No” for that lead. Any settings added/updated on this popup will be applied to the lead.
New API: Prospect Search by Reference ID
A new API has been added that will enable a system to search prospects by Reference ID and have returned return all lead data associated to that prospect. View more info here.
Inbound Calls vs. Web Leads: Updated Controls
Users are now able to turn on or off leads based on their source method: data lead or inbound call
Before, the leads button would turn both off. There were many scenarios where Calls should be off, but web lead posts were still required to be distributed to the loan officer.
Users will now see a “Leads” and “Calls” toggle at the top.
When a user logs out of the system, the toggles will remain in the current state (on or off) until the user logs back in. Therefore, if a user will be out of the office, they can set their toggles to “Off” while away.
When a user logs back in, both will be returned to the “On” state.
Campaign Lead Posts:
Dynamic Mapping Templates
Lead providers can now can define which mapping template to apply to a new lead by adding the mapping template Mapping Template ID as part of the lead post data. This can enable multiple lead providers or lead post structures to be posted to the same inLead Campaign. View API documentation.
If no Mapping Template ID is added to the post, then the default mapping template associated to the campaign will be used.
Marketing Report:
Now User Can Filter by Branch
Users can now filter the Marketing Report by Branch.
SMS Responses:
Added to Engagement Report
Detail Popups
No Nowhere in the engagement report Engagement Report is the user is able to see the actual SMS sent and the response. Response A response was not available prior to the release on this report:.
Partner Branch Fields:
Several partner branch-related fields where showing were shown as checkboxes. All are now showing as their correct field type.
Extra Text:
Some email providers were displaying extra text in the email header “\n\t”. This has been removed.
Marketing Call Totals:
All calls were not being included in the Marketing Report Total Calls column. This has been resolved.
Global Search Inactive Users not
Inactive users can now be selected if a global search by the user is completed.