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This article describes the steps to change the status of a lead.




Log in to Insellerate.


Select any lead from any status. This will populate the right side of the inFlow screen with lead details.


Select Change Status from the Action Tools dropdown.


A popup will open to ask for the new status and new activity of the lead.



  1. Click inFlow 2.0 from the inFlow dropdown list.

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  2. Select an option from the Lists, Queues, or Workflows in the Menu Panel. In this example, we have selected New Lead and the leads are listed in the Record List Panel to the right.

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  3. Select a lead. In this example, the first lead (drr2S1134 all2S1143) in the New Lead list is selected.

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  1. The Record Details Panel opens on the right side of inFlow.

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  2. Select the Change Status icon from the Action Tools toolbar in the Record Details Panel that opens for the selected lead.

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  3. The Change Status popup window opens.

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  4. Select a new Status from the Status dropdown and the


  1. corresponding Activity from the Activity dropdown.

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  2. Click Update


Check the Lead History section for the lead. It is the first section on the right side of the inFlow screen.


Verify that the Lead History reflects the change in Status and Activity.



Verify that the lead has also been moved to the new Status section on the left side of the inFlow screen.



  1. to save the changes. In this example, we are moving the lead drr2S1134 all2S1143 from a status of New Lead to a status of Contacted with an activity of Call 2.

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  2. The Lead History section will reflect the change in status and activity.

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  3. The lead will appear in its new Status (Contacted) section.

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