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Content Library Admin Training Home


This article describes creating content using the New Content Document Template. It covers the following topics:

Table of Contents


How to Access the Document Upload - Static


  1. Click the Add Content button.

  2. Select Document Upload-Static from the drop-down menu.

  3. The Content Upload - Content Settings page opens.


How to Upload Content to the Content Library - Flyers


  1. Enter the Template Name to reference your content.

  2. Enter a Description to describe the content.

  3. Select Flyer from the Content Type :

  4. Flyer - ability to upload a static flyer users can download

  5. Social Media - upload static content (images or videos) users can post to Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram

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    Image Added

  6. Drag and drop the Document/Image file to be uploaded. Files may be PDF, PNG, JPG, or Supported. The maximum size is 8MB.

    Image Added

  7. Create new tag(s) or choose from a list of existing tag(s) to help categorize similar templates.
    Note: It is important to tag social media content with the site where it will be posted so that users can see this information in the content tile or filter tiles by their tags. If the content isn’t tagged this way, users must open each tile to see where it can be posted.

  8. Set the Permissions.

    • Branch: Select the Branch(es) that should see the content.

    • Role: Select any Role(s).

    • Users: Select any User(s).

  9. Content Type = Flyer: User can upload the Document/Image (PDF, PNG, JPG, or Supported). The maximum size is 8MB.

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  10. Click Update to add the content.

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  11. Content Type = Social Media

    Select which Social Sites this template will apply to:

    Click Update at the bottom right of the page to upload the content.


How to Upload Content to the Content Library - Social Media


  1. Enter the Template Name to reference your content.

    Image Added

  2. Enter a Description to describe the content.

    Image Added

  3. Select Social Media from the Content Type dropdown. Static content (images or videos) can be posted to Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

    Image Added

  4. The Social Media Settings field (and Media Type dropdown - see Step 6) appear in the Content Settings. Select which social media sites to post to from the Social Media Sites dropdown. Clicking the checkmark will populate all three social media types in the Social Media Sites field.

    • Facebook and LinkedIn can only upload images.

    • Instagram can upload images or add a

    Video URLImage Removed
  5. User can then select the “Media Type” for the template

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  6. Image: upload image

  7. Video URL:

    Instagram only - Add a URL
    • video URL.
      Note: On November 10, Instagram unexpectedly modified the API for adding video URLs. Insellerate is actively working to resolve this issue.

      Image Added

  8. The Social Media Message field, Allow Editing toggle switch, Expiration Date field, and Default Link field appear in the Content Settings.

    • Enter a message in the Social Media Message field.

    • Slide the Allow Editing toggle to Yes to give the user permission to edit the content once it’s posted.

    • Click the Calendar icon in the Expiration Date field to enter a date on which the content expires.

    • Enter a link in the Default Link field.

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  9. Select the media type to be uploaded.

    • Facebook and LinkedIn can only upload images.

    • Instagram can upload images or add a video URL.
      Note: On November 10, Instagram unexpectedly modified the API for adding video URLs. Insellerate is actively working to resolve this issue.

      Image Added

    1. If Image File is selected, drag and drop the file(s) in the Image Upload window.

      Image Added

    2. If Video URL is selected:

      1. Enter a URL in the Video URL field that links directly to a .MOV or .MP4 file - currently you must host this video on a file server.

        Video requirements

        Reel videos must meet the following requirements:

        1. File Type: MOV or


          MPR (MPEG-4)

        2. File Size: 100 MB

        3. Duration: 15 to 90 seconds

        4. Picture Size


          • Maximum columns (horizontal pixels): 1920

          • Minimum aspect ratio: 4/5

          • Maximum aspect ratio: 16/9

        5. Duration: 60 seconds maximum and 3 seconds minimum

        6. File Size: 100MB
          • Frame Rate: 23-60

        Post Caption: this
          • Note: On November 10, Instagram unexpectedly modified the API for adding video URLs. Insellerate is actively working to resolve this issue.

      2. Enter text in the Post Caption field. This is the caption that will show with the Instagram Post.


      1. appear with the Instagram post.

        Image Added

  1. Create new tag(s) or choose from a list of existing tag(s) to help categorize similar templates. The Tag filter only shows tags that are actively in use and already associated to a template.
    Note: It is important to tag social media content with the site where it will be posted so that users can see this information in the content tile or filter tiles by their tags. If the content isn’t tagged this way, users must open each tile to see where it can be posted.

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  2. Set the Permissions.

    1. Branch: Select the Branch(es) that should see the content.

    2. Role: Select any Role(s).

    3. Users: Select any User(s).

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  3. Click Update at the bottom right of the page to upload the content.


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