New Feature/Enhancements
Marketing Communications Control Settings
The user can override the User Level Profile settings at the Lead Level by selecting the inTouch Action Tool for a specific lead.
When first opened, the Lead Level Control settings all are defaulted to No Selection which means the User Profile Settings will be used.
The user can then select a specific communication type and decide if marketing will be sent “Yes” or “No” for that lead. Any settings added/updated on this popup will be applied to the lead.
Users can now filter the Marketing Report by Branch.
SMS Responses: Added to Engagement Report Detail Popups
Nowhere in the Engagement Report is the user able to see the actual SMS sent and the response. A response was not available prior to the release on this report.
Partner Branch Fields:
Several partner branch-related fields where showing were shown as checkboxes. All are now showing as their correct field type.
Inactive users can now be selected if a global search by the user is completed.