The Real Estate Agent Reportrecords how many leads a specific real estate agent has supplied. It also records the conversion rates of the leads provided by the real estate agent.The Real Estate (RE) Agent Report shows your partner information for buyer and seller agents associated with an application. Creating a partner in a
Certain columns appear in the Real Estate Agent Report by default. Additional columns can be added to meet the user’s specific needs in any report.
Column Name | Description |
RE Agent Name | Name of the real estate agent |
RE Agent Company Name (Branch) | Name of the real estate agent branch |
RE Agent Company Brand | Name of the real estate agent company |
Primary Agent Name | Name of the agent initially assigned to a lead |
Total Leads | Total amount of leads provided by the real estate agent |
Conversion Rate | Percentage of leads that get to processing |
Application | Leads tied to the real estate agent (hyperlinked) |
Funded | How many of the leads reached funded status |
Additional Columns
You can filter down to add columns to a Real Estate Agent Report.