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  • New Lead Notifications

  • New Lead Button

  • Email Notifications

  • Follow-Ups

  • SMS Notifications


New Lead Notifications

Applications that have been assigned but not viewed are listed in New Lead Notifications.

To learn more, see the the New Lead Notifications article.

New Lead Button

When a new lead is available for campaigns set to Distribute All, the New Leads button appears. The first agent to click the button is assigned the lead.


Campaigns can be set up to send email notifications whenever a new lead is assigned.To learn more, see Managing campaigns (article).


Follow-ups can be scheduled for applications to remind you to perform an action in the future.

To learn more, see the Follow-Ups article.

SMS Notifications


The SMS Notification icon shows the number of unread SMS messages. Clicking on this icon will open a dropdown, displaying the most recent messages on top.

To learn more, see the SMS Overview article.
