Step-by-step guide
- Posting an API will enable the user to do an integrated search of the application using either reference id, application(lead) id, servicer loan id, phone number or a combination of them.
- The user needs to know at least one of the above search parameters for the lead being searched.
- The user needs to download the open source application "Postman" to post APIs.
- The following API script will be used to do an integrated search. The script remains constant.
- {
- "AppId":"",
- "LosLoanNumber": "",
- "RefId": "",
- "ServicerLoanId":"",
- "PhoneNumber": ""
- }
5. Login to the application in any org as a specific role.
6. The user needs to note down the org id for the org used and the user id for the role logged in as from the database.
7. In Postman, use the org id and user id for the role in the POST URL. For eg:
8. The user id can be found in the User Registration table under Admin panel against the name of the agent/role.
9. Enter details for the lead as search parameters in the script in step 4.
10. Click on Send. Make sure the status says 200 OK and the response below reads " Data: Request successful"
11. Verify the Lead Search results pop up is displayed on the agent's screen
12. Additional information can be found at
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