New Features/Enhancements
Global Search - set search default preference for org and by user
The default search preference can now be set at the organization level and User level. Current is “Last Name”. However, if you want to change this to “Mobile Phone” or another search parameter, please submit a change request to the Support Team.
Default selected will apply to all users
USER LEVEL: users can set their own default search criteria via their “User Profile”
Lead Caps by Campaign and User
Marketing / lead admins can now set default lead caps at both the Campaign and User level.
Read more about this feature in the HELP CENTER
Submit a change request to have this feature added for your marketing / lead admins
Interest Rate “%” fields now showing three decimals: Issue -several reports and grids were only showing two decimals for interest rates. Resolved.
Assignment Change Web hook: Issue - Two entries were being created in the application history for assignment if lead was taken from a custom queue. Resolved.