The My Flyers section contains three tabs:
Static Flyers
Manual Listings
Shared Listings
The Static Flyers tab of My Flyers is the default tab. It is where marketing managers can load flyers you can download and provide to real estate agents with your loan officer information. Your company may load product-specific flyers or promotions here for your use. We will show you how, as Admins, to create Static Flyers for Loan Officer use.
How to Create a Static Flyer
To upload Static Flyers you must be an AgentConnect Admin. Contact customer support if you need Admin permissions.
Access AgentConnect from the inTouch tab on the main menu.
Select AgentConnect from the drop-down
Click on My Flyers from the right-hand menu.
Click on the blue + Icon or the Orange + icon
This opens Create a New Custom Flyer
Enter a name for your template
Enter a name that will help users find and use the tempalte.
Click the Choose File button to upload your custom Flyer
Select the Flyer to upload from your computer
Click on the Flyer and select Open to initiate the upload
Add applicable Tags to the Flyer to help users filter to applicable flyers.
Select the Brands that should have access to the Flyer
Click save to upload the Flyer